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Our CSR policy

The energy and ecological transition is prompting a shift in business activity towards new sustainable economic models. Because its core business is decontamination, DI Environnement has a clear high-impact corporate purpose: to remove materials that are hazardous to people and the environment in a completely safe manner.

Day-to-day, the company’s activities are underpinned by four key values shared by its employees: commitment, innovation, initiative-taking and responsibility. To rise to the CSR challenges associated with these values, DI Environnement is constantly innovating by developing various eco-responsible approaches, from the organisational level to the materials and techniques used on decontamination sites.


Commitment 🤝

Serving people and the environment is our raison d’être.
DI Environnement puts the emphasis on commitment to carry out our assignments reliably, according to the rules of the trade and under the best possible conditions for the safety of our teams and stakeholders.

0 T
of asbestos and lead waste removed every year.

Innovation 💡

With an eye to the future ever since it was founded, DI Environnement offers, creates and deploys innovative solutions that combine decontamination and sustainable development:

> > A dedicated plant was created for the decontamination and recovery of industrial equipment such as rolling stock: a process that is the only one of its kind in the world, incorporating robotised shot-blasting cabins to reduce the strain on our operators.

The number of recycling cycles
for abrasives

> Since 1995, the company has been innovating by designing and maintaining its own equipment in its workshops (handling tools, radio-controlled machines, load reducers, etc.).

Initiative-taking ✅

In all its activities and projects, DI Environnement takes a proactive approach to seeking and implementing efficient solutions to reduce its carbon footprint and its impact on the environment.

> The most circular waste recovery process possible
> High-performance compactors used to reduce the volume of waste
> Electric vehicles and handling equipment used
> Bicycle or scooter parks made available at certain sites
> Staff journeys optimised
> Energy saving solutions (LED lighting on construction sites) set up
> Logistics & purchasing policy optimised with local suppliers

0 %
Reduction in volume of waste generated by PPE
& polyanes thanks to the compacting solution.
0 MW
of green energy installed. . i.e. the annual electricity supply
to more than 6,000 households

DI Environnement, via its subsidiary DI Solar, carries out photovoltaic projects
(new build projects or asbestos removal from the roof and installation of photovoltaic power plants).

Responsability 🔗

As regards social and societal affairs, DI Environnement shows its commitment daily, by promoting diversity and equal opportunity, and by fostering integration, training, the circular economy and artistic expression, to name but a few.

> An ambitious training plan that goes well beyond legal obligations
> Local partnerships established with integration associations
> Support for local associations and initiatives:
The Montélimar Resource Centre (support for people suffering from cancer), Lyon – La Duchère Football Club (integration of disadvantaged young people), Plastic Odyssey (maritime expedition project against plastic pollution), De l’écrit à l’écran (film festival in Montélimar)
> Open House events facilitated and supervised by our QSE Departments to introduce the public to our area of activity
> Specially adapted workstations opened for people with disabilities
> Creation of free expression spaces with contemporary street-art artists.

Do you have decontamination plans ?

Just contact us, and our teams will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

DIE Campus10 Rue des Chastagniers26200 MONTÉLIMAR

Cleaning up for People
& the Environment.

© DI Environnement – 2025 – All rights reserved.